Elmer Bernard Curtis
Elmer B. Curtis (deceased 12-3-65) married Marguarite Virginia (Savoy) (11/15/29-4/8/95). They had 6 children from that union. Their names are: Rose Mae (Manus) born (Jan. 21, 1948 -Oct. 27, 1994), Linda Elizabeth (Washington) born 5/12/51, Victoria Theresa (Summers) born 3/1/54, Elaine Marie (Henderson) born 1/31/56, Philip Levi born 9/6/58 and Karen born 11/24/60.
Rose Mae married Robert Manus on 7/13/68. Their were two children born from that union Mashawn born 3-26-69 and Robert born 4-27-70.
Linda married James Washington in 1970 and she has three children: Vernon born 5/24/70, Bryan and Brandon born 5/8/78.
Victoria married Gregory Summers and she has one child: Carlotta born 12/13/89.
Elaine married Marvin Henderson 9/25/76 and she has three children: Marvin born 10/24/74, Dineka born 3/27/76 and Michael born 8/8/78.
Philip and Sherry Long have two children: Natalie born 9/17/79, Natasha born 7/4/87. Philips youngest daughter is Sharmayne born 8/26/87 by Agnes Hagar.
Karen had one child: Lakisha born 11/6/1977